Donate to JCSDA
The Jefferson County Search Dog Association is a non-profit organization and is in need of donations. We need monetary funding to purchase radios, GPSs, to update technology and to send dogs and handlers to advance training.
Send Donations To:
Any Park Community Credit Union
(Find Location) or directly to
Jefferson County Search Dog Association
8004 Smyrna Parkway
Louisville, KY. 40228

You can also Remember Us in your
Combined Federal Campaign!
JCSDA's CFC # 58281
Our Wish List
Gifts may be sent to the address listed above - OR - a real Search Dog will be happy to pick it up! View our Wishlist to help.
American Kennel Club
Banfield Pet Hospital
Girl Scounts of America
Great American Spillproof Products, Inc.
Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels
Jefferson County Special Operations
Kentucky Emergency Management
Kentucky Regional Fire Training Academy
Louisville Kennel Club
Louisville Metro Emergency Management Agency
Louisville Metro Police Department
United Parcel Service of America, Inc.
Sponsor a JCSDA Search Dog
Every year, JCSDA runs into expenses for training and for equipment. You can help! Simply sponsor one of our adorable search dogs for a donation of $20 a year and you will get updates in their training, status, number of "finds" along with details of their home life and what they like! You will also get a "Certificate of Sponsorship."
If you would like to sponsor one of our dogs, please go to our Sponsor a JCSDA Search Dog page on facebook! We prefer that you contact us through our facebook page first so we can help you in choosing a dog you can sponsor. You may then use our secure online PayPal link above and specify which dog you would like to sponsor through a note to us on a "further instructions" message on PayPal.
Thank You to those who support the Jefferson County Search Dog Association and the citizens of Kentucky and Southern Indiana with their generous contributions.